Your annual membership in the Chevy Chase Historical Society provides vital support for our ongoing work.
Our membership year runs January 1 through December 31. Membership in the Chevy Chase Historical Society is open to everyone, ranges from $40 to $250, covers your entire household, and the membership fee is tax deductible.
Choose the level of support that best suits you and your family:
- Friends $40
- Patrons $125 (bonus benefits: invitations to special events and recognition in Society publications)
- Benefactors $250 (bonus benefits: invitations to special events and Benefactors-Only events and recognition in Society publications)
As a member you will enjoy:
- Participation in a lively organization dedicated to honoring the past and helping others appreciate it
- Early invitations to our signature Spring Gala
- Reduced prices for events and services
- An informative newsletter
- New friends who are passionate about history and their unique neighborhood
If using PayPal, please include your mailing address on the payment processing page.